now you have collected your weapons. Learn to use them, and use them effectively. Never stop dreaming. Never forget your target. Your brain has great attraction power. Therefore always be positive.
Win your life. good luck.
Think different. Share knowledge. Love your life. Keep head straight. Stay fit. You decide your path. Change the world to a better place.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Political reading of Sri Lankan.
As ordinary person political situation of Sri Lanka is not good. It is filled with dramatic actions. Opposition tells government does not do anything to the complains in FCID. When they take actions to those complains oppositions tell they are revenging from them. What a dual statement that is?
Same time government arrest oppositions when there is
special event is planning from opposition or when there is problem arising in
the country, they use it to cover those problems under the sand.
The biggest problem is both opposition and government tells
two things. It is difficult us to believe who is telling the truth. Sometimes
people get evidences that opposition is making wrong statements, but no one
notices it, and the replies from the government is not enough for them. Therefore
it is difficult us to decide what is right. Previous government replied to the
complains at the same time. But the replies from present government are not
enough. Therefore those statements have
become a joke to the country.
When all these happening politicians in the north doing
statements that is not god to the country. I don’t understand what is wrong
with them. Staying army in their area is ok according to me, because most of
the camps are situated in north and east. This is one country. Army camps can
be situated anywhere in the country. Sri Lankan army is placed in those camps. If
foreign army soldiers are in those camps then their argument can be considered.
When there is a federal constitution those areas goes to their hands unofficially
and it will be excesses power. Sri Lanka is small country. We don’t need a
federal type constitution. It is not difficult to govern all the country from
central government as the area is small.
All these conditions have become a joke to us.
University students fight against selling the education in
Sri Lanka. They are not against the private universities, but they are against
the unaffordable fees in them. Most of students can’t afford that much of
money. People can’t understand what those students are trying to tell. Therefore
they have become a joke. People giving statements to the side of private
universities have become a joke. Actually
they are the real jokers.
With all these conditions I’m afraid what is going to be our
future. If the condition doesn’t change immediately it will be our end. I’m afraid
of it.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Sir Murali and Sri Lanka
There is no doubt sir Murali is a legend in world of cricket. We are proud as he is from Sri Lanka. He has many records in front of his name. He was a magical bawler and there is no one who can compare with his talent. He made mother Sri Lanka very proud. When there are human rights problems he spoke to the side of Sri Lanka. Remember he is a Tamil. At that time he was a son of mother Sri Lanka.
But suddenly all these things got changed. People began to
tell he is a traitor, but not all, few. The reason was he consult Australian spinners at the time Australian team was preparing to face Sri Lankan cricket team. He
did it only for ten days, and those ten days made him a traitor.
I can’t believe that there are such narrow minded people in
Sri Lanka. How they call sir Murali as a traitor. He is a one of most loving son of mother Sri Lanka. Things he has done to this country, even politicians haven’t
done. That is the truth. 1000 homes, 45 pitches to poor schools and project in
Sinigama come in front of his list. Such a person was called as a traitor due
to his professional carrier.
He was a professional cricketer. He loves to live in
cricket. That is what he has done. Earning money by doing what you like is not
wrong. He is not a traitor. When there is no invitation from Sri Lankan
cricket board how can he give his knowledge to national team? He can’t do it
forcefully. But Australian cricket board knew the talent of sir Murali and they
obtained the service of sir Murali. As there is no invitation from Sri Lankan
cricket board he accepted that request as he loves couching.
The beautiful side of this is when sir Murali was playing
cricket once Australian cricket board questioned his bawling actions and tried
to throw him away from cricket. The same country is taking the service of
sir Murali today. It shows to the world that sir Murali is not wrong in that time. It proves
the talent and knowledge sir Murali has. Actually this was great opportunity sir Murali
got to show this to the world.
But the people who can’t understand this call him a traitor.
Actually Sri Lankan cricket board did. And people who do not wish to use their
brains did. But any intelligent person
can understand that he is not a traitor and that is his profession.
Sri Lankan cricket board didn't take the service of mighty
bawler sir Murali. To hide their own mistake they use this opportunity and labeled
him as a traitor. It is clearly an attempt of protecting the power they have in their hands. Not
only sir Murali's, Sri Lankan cricket board didn't take the service of great player
that we had. They are watching how they train other countries and call them
traitors without hiring those great players.
Sir Murali is a legend. He lives in the heart of true SL cricket
fans. An open minded Sri Lankan won’t call him a traitor. The love people had
on sir Murali will remain same whatever the label hanged on him. He is a true son
of mother Sri Lanka. He is an icon of Sri Lankan cricket. There is no one in
the cricket board hasn’t done a service as sir Murali has done.
Sir Murali we are with you. You have the support of true Sri
Collect your weapons.
Now you have a target of your own. (Read about target). How are you going achieve it? Did you think
about it? Until now you are dreaming with your open eyes and thinking about
your targets. Now let’s achieve those targets, but how?
Achieving a target is
like mission. You must fight for it. You have to face lots of troubles. You must
have a plan. But you can’t do all these things without having weapons you want.
What are these weapons? It may be your questions in your mind. Yes I’m asking
the same question from you guys.
What are the weapons you need?
You may need knowledge, time, money, support from others etc.
Now close your eyes think what are the weapons you have right now? You may feel
you have nothing. Some of you may feel you have some weapons but they are not
enough. Then what must be your next step. Collect your weapons. Without the
help of others you can’t go ahead. Therefore collect the most important weapon
humans, then the knowledge. When you have them you can find money easily.
Methods of collecting weapons are different from person to
person. Therefore I can’t teach you how to do it. You must find it within you.
You are the captain of your life. You must guide it in the path you want. So find
it. Find the talent that is hidden inside you, and bring that talented person
in to this world. Time you spent hiding is over. Now it’s show time.
You must direct and act in your own show. Therefore find
your own way of collecting weapons. You are best in your own way. Don’t copy someone
else. You can learn from someone’s life. But you should not copy if. Be yourself.
And collect your weapons in your own way. You are best in own way.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Make you dream your target.
Now you are dreaming. (Read about dreaming). Now you have made your dream the need of your brain. Now it’s the time to make them your target.
What is target? When you are dreaming you just think about your
wishes. But when you target something you tend to work to achieve it. That is
what you must do to win your life.
How to make your dream your target? When you dream you can do one
thing. When you dream you tell to yourself you must do it. You tell to yourself
you want that dream in your life. Then your target will become your
Without target how are you going to make your dream come true? So
while dreaming makes it your target. But do not stop dreaming, because you are
dreaming you will not forget your target. That is very important. While you are
making dreaming make it your target.
Target makes you achieve your goals. Targets guide you to make your
dreams come true.
So my dear readers make your dreams your targets. Now your are
walking in the path of wining your life.
Let's win our lives.
I’ll teach you what you must do after setting up your targets in
my next posts. Keep in touch.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Lots of people say they know about the world, but the reality is they assume the world is like this and speak to us.
-B V M-
Dream to win the life.
Now you know what life is. (Read What is life?). From this blog onwards let’s see how we can win our lives.
Do you have dreams in your lives? Are you watching dreams in
open eyes? Then you have achieved the first step of winning the life. What is
the meaning of winning our lives? I’m sure some of you don’t have a clear idea
about it. Just think, winning our lives is making our dreams come true. That
why when we wish to person we may your all the dreams come true. It is a very
good wish. Because wish may you win your life. Therefore if you want to win
your life start dreaming. Not in your closed eyes, but with open eyes.
Know some of you may be thinking what my dream is. If you
have not get any dream this is the time start dreaming, but how? Go to very
quiet peaceful place. Not close your eye. Think how you want to live your life.
Think how you build up your life. Now start to imagine that life. Go to very
situation in your mind. Yes now you start dreaming. Now you found your dream.
Some may say dreaming is not good, but I say if you want to
win your life first you must dream about your life.
Now all of you start to dream. That is not enough. Now watch
that same dream with open eyes. Every free time you got dream your dream. Early
morning when you get up from the bed, when you go to bed in the night even when
you are in the bathrooms dream your dream.
This is very important, because if we want to win your life
you must give that message to brain. Our brain has an amazing power. It has
attraction power. What your brain need it attracts to you. So when we are
dreaming what we are doing is we store our need in the brain. Then it becomes
the need of the brain. Ultimately our brain starts to attract those things
toward you. That why always people say be positive. When we become a positive
thinker good things happen to us. Some of you may argue with me. Your problem is
while you think positively you are not sure about your thinking. Ultimately you
have become negative thinker.
Now you may god a small idea about power of brain. We must
use it to be successful in our lives. That’s why we must start dreaming and
make it the need of brain.
Let’s start dreaming from today. What are you going to
achieve if you don’t have dreams?
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
What is life?
What is life? Who are we? Don't think so deep. We are humans. We are the most intelligent animals on the planet. All of us know it. Then what is life? Life is not living without dieing. There is big story behind our life.
The real life is living happily with each other. When we say life we mean happiness, love, care, luxury, money and so on. As much as we achieve all those things people say they are successful in their lives. But they may be wrong. Because life is living happily with each other. What ever the thing we has, if we are lack of happiness we don't have a life.
We do all the things to be happy. If we are doing something we don't like that is not life. That is living without dieing. Life is living happily. I repeat it again and again life is living happily with each other. If we are happy then we have a life of our own. If we are unhappy we don't have a life. That is the truth.
In all religions they teach to put away the sadness and find the happiness. In other words they help to find the life. That proves life is living happily with each other.
If you had a question what is life? If you questioned your self what is my life? Now you know the answer.
My dear readers, if you want to win the life, then you must understand this truth. You must understand what is life. Most of the people say different things. Someone's life is money, car, lover and so many things. But when we take all those things together they are searching the happiness.
So my dear readers now you understand that life is living happily with each other. No one can live happily alone for long time. So life is living happily with each other. If you are living happily with each other then you have won your life. Be happy. You have found the life.
All of us want to success our lives. But without knowing what is life how can we achieve the target. Now you know. LIFE IS LIVING HAPPILY WITH EACH OTHER.
Monday, July 25, 2016
This is my story
Name- Young boy
Age- 24
Town- Colombo, Sri lanka
I went to school for 13 years ad passed a/l. Yes I passed it in my second attempt. Before all this I think you like to know about myself. I am son of no job man and a no job woman. I don't have any idea how they taught me. I have one sister. She was get married to a fire fighter. When I was doing my o/l I didn't go to school as I didn't have bus fair. And didn't go to classes continuously as my parents couldn't afford the fees every month. But I passed my o/l with 5 A's. Yes I am happy with that. Because I Got A's to my favorite subjects.
Then I came to a/l class. My story remains the same. However I failed in my first attempt. (Ah I forgot to tell I studied in mathematics stream as I dreamed to be an engineer). Then I passed my exam in the second attempt. Yes I did it. In my result sheet it says I have got qualified to go to university. But didn't qualified. Because here about 20% of students are qualifying to state universities. But my dream to be an engineer did't fade. So I decided to do a diploma conduct by government. Can you remember I am a student who was qualified to go to state university. Now I am doing a diploma. Because I must achieve my dreams. But most unfortunate is there are students who didn't qualified to do the diploma also. Some of them were just like me. Fortunately I was able to follow the diploma by staying at home. If I had to get board definitely I will leave the diploma dues to high expenses. However I was lucky. And now I am following a diploma conduct by the government. Do you remember I am student who was qualified to go to state university.
You know one thing. There are lots of private universities in Sri Lanka. They say they are ready to give the chance to the 80% who couldn't got to state universities like me. Yes we can do those degrees. But did you think why I didn't follow such a degree program? Can you guess? Yes you can guess. Everyone knows the reason. But owners of private universities and students in them forget that reason. They know my situation. But they forget it and do their job.
But you know I feel lucky because state university students fight for the students like me. But they are neglected. Not because they are state university students. But because they fight for the students like me. They fight against the rich. Therefore they are neglected and dishonored. The true reason for the fight is buried under the soil. The true reason to take private universities to government and increase the annual intake, and give the chance to students like me. But the true reason is buried under the soil by the rich. They are fighting to give free education to rich also. But they are against them. I don't know why. Sometimes it may be because they have money to follow their degree programs. So they neglect dreams I have. Because I'm poor. Yes because I am poor.
I am a student qualified to state university but following a government diploma, because................?
Age- 24
Town- Colombo, Sri lanka
I went to school for 13 years ad passed a/l. Yes I passed it in my second attempt. Before all this I think you like to know about myself. I am son of no job man and a no job woman. I don't have any idea how they taught me. I have one sister. She was get married to a fire fighter. When I was doing my o/l I didn't go to school as I didn't have bus fair. And didn't go to classes continuously as my parents couldn't afford the fees every month. But I passed my o/l with 5 A's. Yes I am happy with that. Because I Got A's to my favorite subjects.
Then I came to a/l class. My story remains the same. However I failed in my first attempt. (Ah I forgot to tell I studied in mathematics stream as I dreamed to be an engineer). Then I passed my exam in the second attempt. Yes I did it. In my result sheet it says I have got qualified to go to university. But didn't qualified. Because here about 20% of students are qualifying to state universities. But my dream to be an engineer did't fade. So I decided to do a diploma conduct by government. Can you remember I am a student who was qualified to go to state university. Now I am doing a diploma. Because I must achieve my dreams. But most unfortunate is there are students who didn't qualified to do the diploma also. Some of them were just like me. Fortunately I was able to follow the diploma by staying at home. If I had to get board definitely I will leave the diploma dues to high expenses. However I was lucky. And now I am following a diploma conduct by the government. Do you remember I am student who was qualified to go to state university.
You know one thing. There are lots of private universities in Sri Lanka. They say they are ready to give the chance to the 80% who couldn't got to state universities like me. Yes we can do those degrees. But did you think why I didn't follow such a degree program? Can you guess? Yes you can guess. Everyone knows the reason. But owners of private universities and students in them forget that reason. They know my situation. But they forget it and do their job.
But you know I feel lucky because state university students fight for the students like me. But they are neglected. Not because they are state university students. But because they fight for the students like me. They fight against the rich. Therefore they are neglected and dishonored. The true reason for the fight is buried under the soil. The true reason to take private universities to government and increase the annual intake, and give the chance to students like me. But the true reason is buried under the soil by the rich. They are fighting to give free education to rich also. But they are against them. I don't know why. Sometimes it may be because they have money to follow their degree programs. So they neglect dreams I have. Because I'm poor. Yes because I am poor.
I am a student qualified to state university but following a government diploma, because................?
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Gun Shooting
There are lot of shootings happened in recent years. Really it is sad to hear such types of bad news.
This is a small note. I'm not going to talk about it in detail. But I like to say, by only limiting the guns you can't solve this problem. Because we saw some were not terrorist attacks. Therefor make plans to develop the internal life of your people. And you must develop the concept of family, and do awareness programs to teach the society about the importance of family. And you should make plans to let people have a very good family life.
Then you may find solution for these types of attacks. Because the problem of some attackers can be the stress, unhappiness or dissatisfaction. Think a bit. Take steps to avoid another attack. Only limiting guns won't help this problem.
This is a small note. I'm not going to talk about it in detail. But I like to say, by only limiting the guns you can't solve this problem. Because we saw some were not terrorist attacks. Therefor make plans to develop the internal life of your people. And you must develop the concept of family, and do awareness programs to teach the society about the importance of family. And you should make plans to let people have a very good family life.
Then you may find solution for these types of attacks. Because the problem of some attackers can be the stress, unhappiness or dissatisfaction. Think a bit. Take steps to avoid another attack. Only limiting guns won't help this problem.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Raping & Child Abuse
But among those who tries to find out the real reason behind all those things. The first reason to child abuse and child raping is parents.. They must be keen about their own child and they must do everything to save their child. Rapist use the points that parents loose. But as good parents they must take care of their children as their eyes. In most of the cases half of the blame must goes to the parents.
What are the reasons a rapist tends to rape a girl? The main reason for that is lack of sexual education in Sri lanka. Yes it is true when we go through the text books there are lessons about the sex, but the problem is how many teachers teach those lessons in the class room. Other problem is whether the content is enough. Definitely content is not enough, because only teaching about reproductive system child won't get a clear idea about the sex and sex life. It is true there are limitations for those ages. But this education system must teach the child how to control their sexual feelings and how to treat opposite sex as friends, sisters and brothers. Without teaching those sexual education won't be completed.
The leaders of religion, what have they done to develop the thinking of the people? Accept that they are teaching all the other nonsense and putting germs into heads of the people. Not all, but the small group who are doing this get attraction of media and they ultimately make a big effect on the society. Yes that is true their are youth programs conduct by temples and churches. But is their any plan to attract the majority of youth to those programs? I think not. Without those things how can we develop the good thinking of the society? The heart, emotions are cleaned by a religion. Just protecting the traditions, there is no any benefit on society. While addressing the youth there must be programs to attract the old people who lives away from churches and temples to attract to them. Without doing those things we can't expect a society without any danger to a girl. In the past people say a woman/girl can walk from Dewndarathuduwa to Peduruthuduwa along wearing gold. Nothing will happen to her. That discipline was developed in the people by the influence of temple. But now people are not close to temples and churches. And there disciplines have washed away.
These are the two main reasons. There are other reasons but those reasons will be nothing if these two are corrected. Hope these will be corrected soon.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Fight in Jaffna University.
In Sri lankan universities it is the tradition to give a welcome party to the new batch. The party is specified to each university and the features are different from university to university as it is base on the tradition in the university. In Jaffna university it was the tradition to perform the traditional dances on in the welcome party. According to the tradition of university sinhala students had perform a traditional dance.
At that time tamil students had interrupted and asked to stop the dance. After that the fight began. According to the sinhala students tamil students went out and returm with large gang with long wooden poles and attacked the sinhala students. They have damaged the premises where the party was held. It was the summery of the incident.
This incident was used by several people in different ways to accomplish their personal aspects. In one side the politicians who are against the government tries to show it as the reborn of LTTE. They tried to show this incident as the begining of the tamil terrorism. They tried to show to the country that without them terrorism will come again. From the time they defeated they shouted saying that LTTE will be back and this incident made the real stage to prove it to the country. But it is doubtful how much they were succeeded. When they realise the arising of national problem is not good they tried to show to country government is not doing anything to this problem and government is helping the LTTE. Unfortunately we couldn't put this away easily.
Among all these things the people who got the real advantage was the remaining isolated LTTE international groups. Without any doubt they changed the news upside down and published as tamil students were attacked by sinhala students. But the reality was some thing else. The best example to this was they way reported this incident. But government says after investigations tamil students were backed from the outside people. It is clear to all the people who know the real situation they were trying to dishonor Sri lanka in front of the international community and same time make the tamils angry and raise them against the sihalese again.
This is a condition that Sri lankan government must handle carefully because any wrong move can change the situation of the country and will send the country to the times of war. Whole world is trying to take the maximum advantage from this incident. Because from the politicians of Sri lanka to politicians of India and England used the war in Sri lanka in the election campaigns ad they are continuing it upto this moment too. It is clear international politicians don't want to see the end of this problem as the conflict remains the same it brings lot o advantages to their politics and some times to the their countries as some of countries live by selling weapons. And we can't forget the remaining isolated international LTTE groups who are searching to start their terrorist acts again in Sri lanka.
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An injured sinhala student |
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